
“We’ll start the Seder on page 9. Ignore all the stuff about Thomas Jefferson and Abraham Lincoln on page 8.”

Go around the table and state your name and an uninteresting fact about yourself.

“How are we passing? Clockwise, counterclockwise?”
“By age? Height?”


The moral of Passover: In case of emergency, break lamb.


Love to flirt, hate to date.


Will Eno plays are strangely appropriate to be hijacked into freely seeing by virtue of bearing free cookies.


And now for something completely different.


Taking too much validation-needing pleasure in subversively placing a small copy of Machiavelli on a Saint-Exupery endcap.

“Only children know what they are looking for.”


If I get evicted or killed before March 31, I’m blaming the Commerce Department.


“How quickly can you mobilize?”
For free ice cream? Immediately.

What do I do normally.


“You got to stop once in a while / And shake off that face of yours…”

Past time for a new look.

“…I'm no genius and I've lost myself / The books are on the table and the secret's on the shelf…”


“Meet me on the equinox…”

So done with this season.

“…Everything, everything ends…”


Like a poker tournament, life every so often advances to a new stage, where blinds increase, lower denominations get cashed out as irrelevant, and the previous wagers feel inconsequential compared to what currently is at stake. What really matters gets honed and pared away the longer one stays in the game. And yet, the truth that takes the entirety to discover is that the value of the markers is immaterial. What really matters is longevity. The only true currency is time.

Never has $5 seemed so worthless.


Ou la la, notre madamoiselle est, qu’est ce c’est, abroad? Mon dieu! Voilà, le “C[] Is Too Good For This” Petit Dejeuner:

“Puis je comment allez vous” croissants.

“Je m’appelle Louis Pasteurizé“ milk.

“Comme ci comme ça avec mon coeur” omelette.

“Il y a un beaucoup des au revoir” crepes.

“Parlez vous la bibliotheque de ma tante des pourquoi plus cette chemise sur la tableau” French toast.


Rather be lucky than good; but rather feel good than lucky.


Yesterday’s opportunities will be here tomorrow. Today is today.


Jon’s Principle of Non-non-confrontation
If there’s something which for the relationship’s sake you’re keeping yourself from saying to someone, then for the relationship’s sake say it.

Come to bury, not to praise.


$2000 elephant stuffed animal!
Haha FAO?
Museum gift shop.

In the nether hour between last and next season, the mammoth perfection of this past refreshingly awesomely fun week comes full circle. Let that not end.

Also, on bus back to STL. (Me, not the elephant.)


Saw Alice in Wonderland. There is no theme of drugs and just a forced red herring theme of dreams, but much more forced is the story about a girl’s relationship with a paternal figure. For this is a story about a girl’s rejection of patriarchial society; as much as Johnny Depp may be the Mad Hatter, he should not be so central a character. Alice’s strongest connection should be with the White Queen. Although, having spent most of the movie trying to decide whether I liked or didn’t like the un-Carrollian plot, I ultimately decided the former; but more importantly, at no point was there doubt about whether I enjoyed it, with unfading smiles worthy of a worthy Cheshire Cat.


Too Much Light or a spritz of water directly in the face Makes The Baby Go Blind provided it gets there in time to get one and just one ticket.


Mimesophobia I was at first worried would, being so meta, duplicate too much the ideas that I had, ironically titularly. But fortunately the play explored that different conflict- the competition of narrative between every author except the subject.


Why is there a dinosaur in the back seat?
“Because R[] has an ex-bf in Romania.”

A Brontosaur on Pluto is like showing up on the doorstop asking to wash out the bloodstains from a misstep twixt station and train; like a free doughnut on the way to getting a good taco salad, repaying when a taco salad got you good; like reading on the concerte shore of Lake Michigan with skyscrapers drifting in the fog to the notes of Viva La Vida as the March sun shines a peek of 70F warmth; like pulling up chairs when the host isn't there; like getting an extra umbrella because it's no longer raining; like finding excuses to stay; like finding reasons to leave; like that hedgehog story that everyone has.

A Brontosaur on Pluto is something that isn’t really somewhere that isn’t really; and therefore it is.

“Go big or go home.”


“I tried to sleep in the rain, underneath an acorn tree, but the drops kept falling, hitting me, as I slipped further unconsciously, into a world of windy dreams…”

Chicago escapism.

“…My mind, I took it to Chicago…”


“Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart / When I want to run away…”

Time for a new look.

“…In your eyes…”


"I don't understand what I'm doing here in the first place! I'm not a writer, I'm a monkey!"
"Would you mind if I sit here till he or she or it comes?"
"A mountain-climber's axe! A mountain-climber's axe! CAN'T I GET THAT THROUGH YOUR SKULL?"
"Corngranulations. Ya kooch di anda. Epp! Viola-dimir da zamplification forum. / Well I'm not sure I'm ready to apply just yet..."
"I go up to the counter, the guy says what can I do for you, I say, Give me a bottle of aspirin. The guy gives me this funny look and he says, 'Oh, we don't have that, sir.'"
"Isn't that / Think it is / Yes I need / Help you sir / Isn't that / Think it is / Yes I need / Help you sir"

All in the timing.

"You can always throw in a few jokes later on. You gotta get the throughline first."
"I like to think of myself as a citizen of the universe. / (Bell.)"
"It gives you a little hope about the world, doesn't it? That a man could have a mountain-climber's axe smashed into his skull, and yet live on for one whole day?"
"Okay, maybe we speak the same language, but it's nonsense!"
"Because in a Philadelphia, no matter what you ask for, you can't get it. You ask for something, they're not going to have it. You want to do something, it ain't going to get done. You want to go somewhere, you can't get there from here."
"Just a moment / It's time / Please / Let's go / Just a moment / It's time / Please / Let's go"


Dolls priced at $3 should not differ only in one certain way from those priced at $5. That ratio has no rationalization.


“You know you can't keep letting it get you down…”

This too shall pass.

“…Let it go…”


“I've got no expectations / To pass through here again…”

Saying that something went as expected depends on the expectation. The tone and the history can each connote contextually, but the response is as much a reflection of the audience as it is of the speaker. The undefined expectation gets accepted without unchallenged so often, it’s rather surprising when the evasion is actually called out with a follow-up.


“Step one, you say…”
One foot in front of the other.
“…We need to talk…”
Interview, and so much unsaid.
“…Begin to wonder why you came…”
Tired of trying to be someone I’m not.
“…Lay down a list of what is wrong…”
After 6 years, where I was 6 years ago: trying to be where I was 6 years ago.
“…Drive until you lose the road / Or break…”
One foot in front of the other.
“…How to save a life…”


Acknowledging the wave, but not getting the buzz.