
“All that you fashion/all that you make...” (“Deviled Beef.”)
“All that you build/all that you break...” (“Please do not ever mention George Bush. And Winston Churchill in the same sentence, even if you must break all the rules of grammar to do so.”)
“All that you measure/all that you feel...” (I feel like how I feel you felt when you were telling me how you felt about how you felt.)
“All that you sense/all that you scheme...” (It smells like cologne… wow, with an aftersmell of cologne.)
“All you dress up/all that you've seen...” (Had gotten started watching.)
“All you create/all that you wreck...” (She’s indicated interest in doing things… wait that came out badly.)

“Walk on...” (They gave you stepcounters? Cool! What was the occasion?
“Taking away our health benefits; apparently if
we take 8000 steps/day, we’re fine.”)
GhettoSchnucks is so... what’s the word for it?
Yes, that’s it! That Schnucks is real. As opposed to LadueSchnucks, which is surreal.