9:06 wake up before alarm
9:11 be invited to Cardinals game
12:25: accidentally take workphone on lunch
1:15 have a rude customer overhear you unprofessionally talking about them
1:16 take a break
1:31 mail a letter to ex-gf
2:00 receive mentoring from Dr. Cox’s cousin
3:02 receive free tickets to a comedy show
3:18 help an undeserving customer
3:58 help a clueless customer
4:49 help a customer despite technical difficulties
5:32 help appreciative customer
7:36 arrive in the 2nd inning
7:55 crave pizza
8:00 find toasted ravioli, Asian Stir Fry, and quesadillas- but no pizza.
8:05 crave toasted ravioli
8:10 find pizza, but no toasted ravioli
8:15 just get nachos instead
9:00 leave in the 6th inning
9:18 talk about customers on the walk back
9:19 be approached by appreciative customer
9:20 have date try to set you up with appreciative customer
9:45 start telling about day
11:37 finish telling about day
11:38 realize that it’s not over yet