
I already miss my enchirito.


With a 10:30 am registration time today, my schedule is a mess. Will be signing up for 7 classes, expecting to drop 4 and pick up 2. If I wind up dropping 5, I will have a serious problem.

Anyone have any advice regarding any of the following?
Elementary Probability and Statistics
Language, Culture, and Society
Latin and Greek in Current English
Logic and Critical Analysis
Fiction Writing


Would be so much easier if my utterances were immediately carried out and/or were accompanied by a laughtrack.


“My Freshman Year” is effectively an objective analysis of *me*. Would have liked more of the means of investigation rather than of the end conclusions; the latter are common to college guide, but the former unique to this. Enjoyment probably relates more than usual to a reader’s relation to the subject.


A cappella should not sound like barbershop quartet.


Perfection Dichotomy
Consider the idea of imperfection, as shown in a previous Away Message. The idea of imperfection has imperfection as an aspect.
I am able to consider the idea of imperfection. Thus I am imperfect.
As shown in a previous Away Message, therefore God (as traditionally defined) does not exist.
Therefore either God (as traditionally defined) does not exist, or I don't exist, or neither of us do.


[I become We. Thus speak Pandora.]


What is better than Thanksgiving break, fair play or the Harvard comma?


Common courtesy: If it hasn’t moved in 48 hours, it is.


An n-player game based on luck will, if played infinitely, result in a win percentage of 1/n.
An n-player game based on skill will, if played infinitely, result in a win percentage of either 0 or 1.

RPS is a game of skill.


Perfection Dichotomy
As shown in a previous Away Message, if an object is given as either perfect or imperfect, then the state of the entire universe with respect to perfect becomes known.
Likewise, a perfect object cannot exist in the same universe as an imperfect object.
Consider God (as traditionally defined). God is defined as perfect.
Consider the Preamble to the Constitution. “More perfect” implies less than perfect, implies imperfect.

Therefore church and state are separate.


Was informed that there might be fraudulent activity occurring on my Sears Mastercard. The fact that I don't have a Sears Mastercard makes it seem even more likely.


The first 3 movies were good only because the books were good; however Harry Potter 4 is a good movie on its own merits. While it would have been nice if a few loose plots were resolved, such as Rita Skeeter and Karkaroff, despite being based on a lengthier original the film feels more complete. Nor was, despite worries, Moody as disappointing as Lupin.

For some reason I had thought the Goblet of Fire was the Triwizard Cup, but that appears to have been incorrect.

Dumbledore is a house-elf.
Dumbledore is a Death Eater.


Now we are 6.


Perfection Dichotomy
Define something perfect as something which is perfect.
Define something imperfect as something which is not perfect.
Define something perfect as having every aspect of it perfect.
Consider the universe. Either it is perfect and everything in it is perfect, or it is imperfect and everything in it is imperfect.
Thus either everything is perfect, or everything is imperfect.



“Ready? Let’s roll onto something new...”

Autumn won’t ever take the place of Spring.

[Not “No Doubt” and certainly not “Don’t Speak”.]

I’m sorry.

“Heaven ain't close in a place like this...”


Vertigo not being felt.

Perhaps it’s the worse the dance is, the better time I have, because of the higher relative of enjoyment. There are deeper heights to scale.


Common reorganization.


Suspicious of Whistlers
Tonight at 8pm
Brown 100


Three men can keep a secret if two of them are dead and the third gets assassinated on the Ides of March.


Latin fix.


“I can't change...”
Bittersweet Symphony shouldn’t have words.

However, it also shouldn’t be played for 20 seconds in an answering machine greeting, especially one that then continues with the “this is me/I’m not here/leave a message/press page or leave a callback number/beep”
“...from one day to the next...”


If you're reading this, you should be reading this.
(Yes, I know, you have to login. It's worth it.)


No cheese Gromit.


Classic declarations
[profile temporarily utilized for space]

You better put out for this.
“So that’s how Cat gets so many people interested in declaring Classics.”

“I really hate Paris.”
“I know! Who would choose love over power?”
“Uh, that’s not what I meant.”

“That was Paris Hilton.”
You probably didn’t recognize her with her clothes on.

Paris Hilton is worth a mass.

“I’m a Plato addict.”
No need to apologize.

“So there’s this thing this guy makes on the Internet which I read, and that was very vague but now I’m going to get more specific.”

“I keep a livejournal but instead of writing it down, I just act it out real-time.”

“I want people to do to me the things I do to them. No wait-“

40% chance of needing to wear something over a white t-shirt.

“Look at this shirt; isn’t it you?”
It might be, except, well… you know that dishtowel you have?

“I used to go to a different sex shop but I kept on running into my parents there.”

I’m still on ‘Chelsea doesn’t like Bare Naked Ladies’.

"The best date I had was at DelTaco; it was drive-through."

That’s it? Inari’s just rice in a shell? That’s like- hold on- like going on a date with a girl and going back to your room with her afterwards and kissing her... on the hand.
And isn’t Inari a character on Firefly?

I’m just racking my brains trying to think of someone...
“Worse off, or that you can get with?”

Ouch. But point.

I don’t care about him anymore; I’m worried about how you’re reacting. Like, did you have a drunken 1-night hookup?
You know I don’t drink! <pause> Okay, that was really funny.

What do you call a drunk ninja? A pirate.

Seriously, Cat better put out.
“She promised?”
See, I have this habit of making slightly tasteless jokes. And I'm a pathological liar. I still don't understand why people believe me.


Friends don’t let friends eat at Center Court alone.


The controversy of abortion seems like it has such an Alexandrian solution that I only doubt its effectiveness because it seems to have occurred to no one else. The disagreement stems from the fact that the Constitution is ambiguous: some point to a right to life, others point to liberty. A disagreement about Constitutional meaning can be resolved in one of 2 ways. Either by judicial fiat, resulting in the ridiculous politicizing and overdominance of the issue given to the Supreme Court. Or by constitutional convention, letting the people amend contradiction away.

So my solution: Have the pros draft their amendment, the antis theirs. In November let both be voted on. If either is enacted, the knot is cut. If neither, well, then the status quo is upheld and there is legitimacy for the judicial decisions, and worst case the issue is no worse off then before.

Of course it’s not that simple. But I don’t know why not.


“I’m more than a bird / I’m more than a plane...”

My new facebook photo has been taken, though it may be a bit before I replace the one currently up which just celebrated its anniversary. Am also trying to get the new facebook photoalbums working, which might involve the digital camera I finally got around to using.

“I’m only a man in a silly red sheet...”