
The music sucked. Had to buy scalped counterfeit free tickets. Was cold outside and noisy inside. Found few other people I knew. Never got the gender ratio aligned properly. Hadn't danced for awhile; am a bad dancer anyway. The music *really* sucked. Everyone else wanted to leave early.

I had a wonderful time at Bauhaus.

"...I'm not gonna stand here and wait."


Team Emu took 2nd place with a final neg when the score was tied entering the last question. Which I can't help blaming myself for: my faulty scorekeeping, my bad guessing strategy, my last second blanking on a decent stab, plus the usual places where points could have earlier been picked up elsewhere, especially because I had not anticipated an opponent’s crazy buzzer speed.

But even with the worst case interpretation having me losing $40 on the final question, we still won $60. Besides, freshman upsets are tradition.

"Flying over the competition."


“If I go crazy then will you still / Call me...”

Clark Kent for a day, or two; or a year, or two; or a lifetime, or two; or henceforth. Phonemes of the same allophone; here let me hear being heard.

“I left my body lying somewhere / In the sands of time...”


“As a general rule, I’m against appeasement.”
I’ll give you that.


It’s probably for the best that the Cardinals lost in the NLCS. It would have been tragic to be the ones breaking curses in 2 consecutive World Series.


What’s a scone?
It’s like a muffin, but less cakey.
What’s the opposite of cakey?


Lost Newbie 128 for so many deserved reasons. Such as, despite ethical misgivings, my undertaking an admittedly risky strategy of sacrificing my fellow mafia through deliberate bad play, which wouldn’t have worked even if it hadn’t backfired from the town’s extreme lurking. Or ignoring my gut feeling and other ethical misgivings to kill a suspicious player rather than an unprotected cop. I’m not even upset about having kills prevented twice. Honestly, being lynched at the end wasn’t so bad, considering I felt I did all I really could that final day.


“This is the noise that keeps me awake / My head explodes and my body aches...”

2 midterms (plus a discussion session) today. Can’t get a song out of my head, can’t get material in.

“...We'll stay up all night...”


Kipling’s Cat in Rome- wall facing the door.
Escher- ceiling.
The Creed of the Sociopathic Obsessive Compulsive- side of closet.
EmpTyger- ? (I have had numerous authorities cite alongside the door, but I am yet torn; there is a symbolism that directs me towards placing it by the bed and window.)
?- The large empty wall remains above my desk. (Something is needed there, if not an entire mural. Suggestions welcome.)


Singumore sopholar.
Imperfect seductress,
Pursuing a trivial
Message (subtext),

Still with her many mates
Keeps up her streak- with a
Little black dress.


In the beginning God created grammar and language...
And amongst all the words God placed an adjective, and He formed this adjective making it suitable and superior, sound and excellent, honorable and reliable; it was able and bountiful, pleasant and benevolent, loyal and moral; it was beneficial to health, and attractive, and proper.
And God saw that it was Good.

(The evolving English language is not a product of intelligent design.)


Wilma leading to Greek.

(Apparently hurricant names only go through W; if there are more, they are named after Greek letters. This is not without symbolism.)


Since my cell phone service had begun to improve, naturally it was time for something appropriately destructive, such as Mobular’s display dying. The phone works otherwise, so communication is possible, if slightly trickier than previously.

Since I will be needing to get a new phone soon, if not a new service, what cell phone company do people have, and how good/bad are the service, customer and otherwise?


Svenson opening.


The Wash U A Team (tragically left unnamed; perhaps Gold to match the Wash U Green and Red of the B and C teams?) in my first performance on it went undefeated. The best of my 13 powers would have to be metaing “Valkerie” after only “In the video game Gauntlet, this character <buzz> wielded a sword”; though I must also must mention powering “Tolkien” given Oxford and Edith.

"Among her childrens books are Whangdoodle..."
<buzz> "Julie Andrews?"
"That was power, right?"
"No, you had to get it before Doodle."
"Actually, the cutoff was Whang."
Whang should never be the cutoff.

Even so, I regrettably could not match last year’s tastelessness even with the statue of the miner costumed as a crusader.


Amongst the coolest things ever would be a T-Rex on Segway.

I would like to remind Peter that following a performance the energy level is going to maintain its high; and that there if one looks hard enough, one can find humor in every situation; and that a troupe should, as a whole, collectively encourage the expression of humor; and that murder, torture, dismemberment, and sodomy are abhorrent and illegal practices; and that it was all Amy’s idea.


If I were forced to be doing EComp again, I would be doing a Pirate vs. Ninja research paper.


Suspicious of Whistlers will be at the St. Louis Science Center Friday evening. Transportation might be able to be provided- let me know as soon as possible if interested.

Philosophy *sucks*. This paper *sucks*. Well, that’s not true. This paper doesn't exist.
That's philosophical. Can something that does not exist suck?


Mario Kart and Mario Kart, and Princess is still the best. Let nostalgia come to Shanedling.


Too many possibilities, but still pure skill.

“It’s like Rock-Paper-Scissors, only it’s called Bear-Hunter-Ninja.”
Okay, but how does the ninja kill the hunter?
“It’s a fucking ninja!”
Okay, but how does the bear kill the ninja?
“It’s a fucking bear!”

[Delivery beats Decency. Sorry.]


Since commercial airlines will probably never allow smoking henceforth, it seems wasteful to have the “no-smoking” light next to the “fasten seatbelts” light. While the latter is a condition which will change over a flight, the former condition is constant; unlike, say, the usage of portable electronic devices. So, why not make that a light instead?

As I discovered on a flight last week, however, apparently USAirways beat me to the patent office. Moral victory, I suppose.


So I’m walking through the mall past a shoe store and a bright orange Converse catches my eye. So I have to go inside and inquire. And I discover that the only pair that color they carry is the one on display. Which happens to be in my size. And which happens to be 50% off.

I hereby declare the week of suck over.


About a week ago I indicated that this week would suck.
It still does.
It still is.


"O the cares of humans! O how much emptiness there is in things!"


I haven’t yet been to class this week and it still sucks.


New year or near you.


Home, with only Van Ness Monster to listen to. Which is might not be as unpleasant as it sounds.

[Speaking of new names: Dental Sedimental?]


Home until Tuesday. But it’s not the same.

I fixed myself dinner because I didn't feeling like leaving the room. I had a piece of bread with Hershey kisses and Hershey kisses on the side. I felt really sick.

My apologize for being whiny. And not conjugating my verbs.

And she tore it apart. Which I can respect, because it's my first college paper, and I wrote it the night before, and it sucked.

I wish people knew me and that I am just unstable.