
Avocado basically is butter.
But with more cow.
Less cow.
Right, that way.

More or less.


No, trust me, this is going somewhere.
Because I was about to be wrap it up counselor.

It’s like how there’s a statute of limitations for wallposting.
Uh oh, Dannyrules.


I’m sorry, Schriever Air Force Base cannot come to the phone right now. Can I take a message?


haha can be either anticipatory or responsive.


How the Raviolo Got Its Toasted.

That famous Kipling story.
From the Just So Cookbook.


Every day Calypso is discovering a new cubby on my desk to climb into. Today is Topleftday.


Don’t see the trees for the forest.


“The perfect halo…”

Lightning never strikes.

I’m 3/3. Forgive me, but I’m having too awesome a day to be modest.
“That’s a pretty good average in baseball.”
It’s the opposite of a strikeout.
“The opposite of a strikeout is a hit.”
A strikeout is 0/3. The opposite of a strikeout, therefore, is 3/3. But a hit is only 1/3.
“So what’s the opposite of a strikeout? Going the cycle?”

That’d be 4/4.
“Be careful, don’t jinx it.”
Can’t. 2/3 would be jinxable. 3/3, that’s already awesome.


“…The lightning in me that strikes relentless…”


$10 for being a nazi, $10 for not.

Censorship nazi. Not killing-Jews nazi.


“Any time I need to see your face I just close my eyes / And I am taken to a place…”

Walking through cloudmistdreamland, describing the surreality of the night until the phone call is interrupted by the other party saying Hold that thought as they go brush their teeth, with the tone of giving instructions to watch their phone, lest it sprout legs and scurry off like a paramecium insect, like an animated footstool in, say, “Beauty and the Beast”, and when you bring the phone back out of the peripheral vision of the mind’s eye it is no longer a phone, but the scurrying footstool, until you look at it and it stops scurrying and waits for you to look away again.

“…I don't need to try to explain / I just hold on tight…”


I liked watching the spectacular collapse of Massachusetts institutions much more last week when it was against the Ravens.


Take a drive, without the quasi-useful instructions or quasi-helpful advice.

“Attaches to your steering wheel for easy access to a writing and drink storage surface. The Go Office Wheel Mate Steering Wheel Desk is flat for writing and perfect for lunch or a snack. This Go Office Wheel Mate Steering Wheel Desk stores neatly in your car when used with the larger Auto Exec Laptop Car Desk. For safety reasons, never use this product while driving”


It’s remarkable how warm 32F can feel.


Bear With Us

“It’s spelled with a Y.”


Safari stops in the amazon, but it’s a little buggy.


I hold Sunkist in too high regard to use it as a scapegoat, even secondhand.


Bad Bar Mitzvah theme: Sound of Music.

“Because what’s more Jewish than nuns and Nazis?”


“I like my women like I like my crosswords…”
With a hint of British style, and a passionate outburst, and then bottom lip quivering? (7)



Metaschadenfreude: the gift that keeps on giving.

This should be amusing to you for 2 reasons.
“What's the third?”
1) R[]’s misfortune

2) A[] taking pleasure in R[]’s misfortune
3) Me taking pleasure in A[] taking pleasure in R[]’s misfortune


I don’t play games to win; I’m not even sure I play games primarily to have fun. While I certainly don’t play to lose, nor to not have fun, the motivation goes beyond. To experience within a set of rules, to share the experiences. I want to explore, to discover, to learn about which move to make, regardless of whether it is the right move or not; and to not be limited from many moves. The chance that I could win, may lose, will probably lose- it has nothing to do with why I am going. And thereby I enjoy, and thereby I will have fun.

Regardless the game, regardless the subject, there is a motivation; and there are probably more reasons beyond. So whither the world where games must be won?

(Est Ludovicum.)



I like to think of it as the Save the PIzza Fund.


Draw down.


“The deception with tact / Just what are you trying to say…”

This IM is severely lacking in transitions, says the high school English teacher part of me. Some good ideas, but you need to put more thought into outlining them. C-

“…One thing leads to another…”


It’s one thing to shoplift a USB memory key.
It’s another to shoplift a razor blade, use the blade to open the memory key, leave the blade in the memory key package, and shoplift the memory key.

Shoplifting is not a game; and especially not a text adventure game.


“Why aren’t you seizing the boy?”
”I have a big head and little arms.”

Arms and a man.

“With such short arms, how does a T-Rex get up?”

Now all I can think about is, how does a T-Rex get up in the morning, because his arms are too short to hit his alarm clock.


Brunch is a morning meal with others.
Breakfast is I’m still wearing pajamas.


I have enough trouble finding enough higher purpose for the irrevocable word, to allow me to understand the fanatical devotion to a particular sect. Moleskine is a religion.


Woke up at 7 and went to sleep at 10, but it was the wrong 7 and 10.
Time going backwards.


“You can do what you want, just seize the day…”

Not ready to switch from two-thousand to twenty, but I resolve to change this year.

“…It's a beautiful life…”